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Case Studies
Case Study: Mission Healthcare Foundation, Inc.
Case Study: Medstar Health
Published by: Amanda Cifone
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Case Study: St. Vincent’s Hospital Foundation

Published by: Amanda Cifone
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62% Increase in Major Gifts

St. Vincent’s Hospital Foundation is a philanthropic healthcare organization that is dedicated to improving the health of its community. In order to retain campaign donors and cultivate new prospects, they utilized WealthEngine’s propensity-to-give (P2G) scoring in order to segment and prioritize patients for various development efforts. 

The Goal

St. Vincent’s Hospital was looking to increase fundraising and prioritize the right prospects with efficiency and agility. Their main roadblock was targeting the right people in their Grateful Patient Program in order to increase their major gifts fund.

WealthEngine’s Solution

With WealthEngine’s P2G scoring, St. Vincent’s Hospital was able to target their outreach efforts to those identified as “priority” prospects. This also accelerated their direct mail program by focusing resources on high potential prospects, leading to an increase response rates and conversion rates.

The Result

With WealthEngine’s help, St. Vincent’s Hospital was able to decrease costs, increase conversion rates, and get 50-100% higher donations. $10K gifts increased by 62% and several gift upgrades were secured such as a $15K gift from a donor found in the Inner Circle of a board member. 

“The value of regular screening and proactive prospect research is the constant influx of new, qualified and actionable prospects into the pipeline. WealthEngine identifies highly qualified prospects for us out of the mess of information that could potentially be a barrier to success. With 4,000 patients coming through our doors each week, we would never be able to rank and segment our best prospects for various initiatives, much less call them. Applying prospect research, particularly regular screening, to our grateful patient program provides structure, insight, convenience and action. It allows us to focus our limited staff resources on those with the highest potential and greatest gift capacity.” – Scott Powell, Director of Development