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Case Studies
Case Study: University of Pennsylvania
Case Study: St. Vincent’s Hospital Foundation
Published by: Amanda Cifone
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Case Study: Mission Healthcare Foundation, Inc.

Published by: Amanda Cifone
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Over $16M Raised in One Fiscal Year

Mission Healthcare Foundation Inc., like any other healthcare organization, relies heavily on its ability to raise money. They needed to understand more about their potential prospects’ wealth and propensity to give, so they utilized WealthEngine’s screening and search capabilities to create smarter segmentation and identify high-value prospects.

The Goal

The primary objective for Mission Health was to figure out how to take the existing stale data on their prospects and make it actionable. They had previously screened their database of prospects through one of WealthEngine’s competitors but found a number of donors in the system with very inaccurate data. 

WealthEngine’s Solution

Mission Health introduced WealthEngine into their process by integrating it into their Grateful Patient Program, eventually expanding the relationship to also include screening and search capabilities for smarter segmentation and identification of high-value prospects. WealthEngine’s comprehensive and accurate data allowed Mission Health to refocus their efforts on those more likely to give to the cause. 

The Result

WealthEngine helped Mission Health raise $16.2M in one fiscal year and has increased event-driven donations by 140% in a 2 year period. Mission Health has also successfully executed events that have generated over 67% participation and a 6x return on investment.

“I’m proud of the progress of our Grateful Patient Program and where it has taken us. We’re now focusing on the right individuals and engaging them effectively as they come into the system. We no longer have a meeting to discuss donors, portfolios, or engagements without having the screening data behind it.” – Heather Parkinson, Manager of Development Research & Data Analysis